Hi guys! It's been a month since I've decided to take a break from blogging right after our government announced that our beloved King has passed away. His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadej (King Rama9) was like a father and a true role model to all Thai people. We love our King as if he is our very own father and it's hard to explain this to our foreigners but the King did so many great things for Thai people. It's been the most difficult time for the whole country and we are in deepest grief but at the same time we wanted to be a good person in the society and make our King proud. We've seen a lot of volunteers gathering outside the Grand Palace giving free black t-shirt, food and drinks to mourners who travel from different parts of the country waiting to pay respect to the King. Some public transport buses, taxis, and motorcycles offering free services to Sanam Luang area. Also, there're free medical services. I have to say it's the most wonderful feeling to experience sense of unity among Thai people! I don't think we will ever see Thai people love and respect anyone as much as King Bhumibol.
In honor of the 30 days since our beloved King passed. I want to dedicate this post to His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadej who is a true artist, a sailor, an author, a musician, a photographer, an explorer, a developer, an inventor, an economist, a creator, a thinker. What he did to our country inspires us all. I am proud to say I was born in the reign of King Rama IX of Thailand.
Mourners gathered around Sanam Luang and the Grand Palace to express their love and respect to the King.
Atmosphere inside Silpakorn University. Thailand's leading school of arts.
Silpakorn University students and alumni using their skills to express their love and respect to his Majesty the King through art.
Many people stopping by to admire the portraits of King's artistic talents on the wall created by Silapakorn University Students. Theses series of murals can be found opposite the Grand Palace
In memory of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
B'Style Voyage